Our online veterinary advice platform is powered by artificial intelligence (AI). While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, it's important to note that the advice and information provided on this website are for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional veterinary consultation, diagnosis, or treatment. Individual circumstances may vary, and the advice does not consider your pet's health history, signalment, or environment unless you include this information in your question. This website does not establish a doctor-patient-client relationship between you and the website or AI system. The information provided here should be used as a supplementary resource, not as the sole basis for making decisions about your pet's health. While we make efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, we do not guarantee its completeness or suitability for your specific situation. Veterinary science is constantly evolving, and new research may impact the advice. Users of this website are responsible for their decisions and actions based on the information provided. We disclaim any liability for damages or losses incurred due to relying on the content available on this platform. 

~ In case of emergencies or serious health concerns, seek immediate assistance from a licensed veterinarian or an emergency pet care facility. Refrain from relying on the information provided on this website as a substitute for urgent veterinary care.

By using this website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this disclaimer. If you have specific questions or concerns about your pet's health, consult a licensed veterinarian for professional advice tailored to your pet's needs.